1-800 WATER DAMAGE | Eliminating Odors and Restoring Property Value

Experts Remove Lingering Tobacco and Cannabis Odors In Homes Throughout Utah County

September 21, 2023 // FranchiseMarketingSolutions.com // SPANISH FORK, UTAH – It’s essential to recognize that specific smells within your household setting, such as those from tobacco or cannabis, can substantially diminish its market worth. There exist numerous aromas that should be eliminated if you intend to market or lease a residence. These encompass pet scents, protein and food-related odors like fish, curry, onions, and garlic. However, tobacco and cannabis odors should be diligently avoided. The buildup of sticky tobacco residues leads to a persistent odor-emitting film on interior surfaces of the building. Prolonged heavy smoking can result in resilient and intense smoke odors.

Recent research has revealed that smoking inside a residence can potentially slash its resale value by as much as 33 percent. 1-800 WATER DAMAGE of Utah County offers a dependable remedy for eradicating tobacco or cannabis odors while simultaneously improving the quality of indoor air. Employing state-of-the-art technology and a thorough procedure, they use EPA-endorsed professional air scrubbers equipped with activated carbon filters to guarantee the thorough elimination of enduring odors.

“Unpleasant odors can significantly devalue your home, potentially causing prospective buyers to leave or form a lasting negative impression,” said Gerald Cleveland, owner of 1-800 WATER DAMAGE of Utah County. “At 1-800 WATER DAMAGE, we have a proven system that provides the removal of tobacco/cannabis and cigar odors. We are using the latest technology and specific steps in removing these pungent odors which will increase the value of your home and improve indoor air quality. By following precise steps and using the latest technology, we ensure your home’s value is enhanced by eliminating these pungent odors.”

The sense of smell plays a significant role in how things are perceived. Some potential home buyers may step inside a home and immediately walk out, never to return, solely due to unpleasant odors. 1-800 WATER DAMAGE of Utah County is a solution to trust if homeowners run into lingering odors that don’t seem to give.



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September 21, 2023 9:48 am

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