Caring Transitions of Costa Mesa Increasing Accessibility of Much-Needed Services to Orange County

COSTA MESA, CALIF. // // December 05, 2022 – Caring Transitions expands its compassionate reach with its latest location. Caring Transitions of Costa Mesa is owned and operated by Kevin and Jennifer Dixon. The Dixons are looking to provide the community with a one-stop shop for downsizing, moving, and liquidation services during some of the most trying times of people’s lives.

Caring Transitions is a franchise designed to minimize stress by utilizing specially trained professionals to oversee every detail of a senior’s transition with compassion, including decluttering, organizing, packing, move management, unpacking, resettling, and cleanouts. The company also manages both in-home and online estate sales. The online estate sales are hosted on CTBIDS, the brand’s widely popular auction platform, which can support its clients in liquidating unique, everyday treasures that many cherish.

The Dixons understand the challenge of clearing out your own belongings. Years ago, they found themselves liquidating their possessions to make ends meet. During that time, they also began attending yard sales and realizing they could profit by upselling items they’d buy. Now, 15 years later, Kevin runs a retail resale business. Caring Transitions of Costa Mesa is an extension of his experience and knowhow.

“Our clients might be going through some of the toughest moments of their life, grieving the loss of a loved one,” Kevin said. “Our job is to come in and take the task of packing and selling belongings off their hands and give them the space to grieve. In the end, we hope to return a little cash to their pockets that they could use to pay for a funeral or other expenses.”

In addition to benefiting clients’ wallets, the resale of belongings also helps the environment. Items stay out of landfills by keeping them in circulation.

“I’m excited to find the value in people’s treasures that they’ve been collecting their entire lives,” Jennifer confessed. “We’re here to simplify the process and keep our customers from feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand.”

While Kevin runs the retail resale business, Jennifer has extensive banking, finance, and customer service background. The two are also notary publics, where they meet many people handling trusts and wills. They now hope to extend their services to those individuals by helping them through the liquidation process.

SOURCE Caring Transitions

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December 9, 2022 7:53 am

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