Spiffy Franchisee Spotlight: How Keeler is Bringing Mobile Car Services to Customers in Albany, NY

One thing that makes franchising with Spiffy enticing for our franchise owners is the flexibility that mobile servicing can provide. Not only can entrepreneurs pursue a service model that offers top-notch convenience for their customers, but dealerships can expand their existing service operations beyond their physical location. Tom Wood Automotive has done it in Indianapolis, and now Keeler Motor Car Company is doing the same for customers throughout Albany and New York’s Capital Region.

We spoke with Jesse Hord about his experience launching Keeler Automotive’s Spiffy franchise, what led their dealership to mobile services, and how they plan to leverage mobile servicing to make car care easier for their customers. This interview was conducted on February 7, 2022, after their official franchise launch, and has been edited for clarity.

What led Keeler Automotive to consider franchising with Spiffy?

We had been experimenting with mobile service …

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Spiffy Franchisee Spotlight: Elevating Arthur Hill’s Detailing Business in Wilmington

One of the strengths of our franchise model is how it can appeal to a wide array of owners. In the case of Arthur Hill in Wilmington, NC, he was able to take an existing six-year-old mobile detailing business and level it up completely. Now, with a recognizable brand and plenty of support from our team in Durham, Arthur and his business partner Worth Merritt are eager to expand throughout the Port City.

We spoke with Arthur about what brought him and Worth together as franchise partners, Arthur’s long career in the detailing industry, and how Spiffy has helped expand their business. This interview was conducted before their Wilmington, NC franchise launch on December 3, 2021, and has been edited for clarity. 

Tell us your story; what was the road that brought you to Spiffy?

Arthur: I've been in the detailing industry for about 25, 27 years now and it started with car washes. I worked at a carwash when I was in school. Once I finished high …

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Spiffy Franchisee Spotlight: Steve Fleming’s Passion for Mobile Oil Change in Oklahoma City

One of our company goals has always been to bring Spiffy to all 50 states, even way back in the early days. That constant objective makes many of our franchise launches exciting since they’ve allowed us to bring our brand of mobile car care to more people than ever before. With our recent Oklahoma City franchise launch, led by Stephen Fleming, we were thrilled to check Oklahoma off the list.

We recently spoke with Steve about his unique career history, the path he took to owning a franchise, and what made Spiffy stand out in his search. This interview was conducted a few days before the Oklahoma franchise launch on December 13, 2021, and has been edited for clarity.

What was the road that brought you to Spiffy?

I've done a lot of different jobs, starting with aircraft maintenance for F-15s during my time in the Air Force. I went to school at the University of Central Oklahoma and moved into the professional world with a management position at A…

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