No matter what industry you’re in, you’re bombarded with experts telling you how to grow. Some are partially informative. Some have a few good points.
Some… not so much. Some experts are just so over-the-top as they try to make you believe that you can be either a one-man show or a full-fledged cat-loss firm ready to serve half of the eastern seaboard if it gets above-average rainfall. Stop!
Growth isn’t created with all-or-nothing thinking. Growth is growth—just like we grew from children to adults: a little at a time. Logic always rules, and you should never look at growth problems as if they're complicated. If you’re having a problem growing, try stripping everything down to the bare facts:
How big do you want to grow this year?
What efforts have you made—and in what department/s? (If you’ve been reading some busi…