From Immigrating to the United States to Starting a Business on American Soil – How One Family Pursued Two Dreams with the Help of Bloomin’ Blinds

Just a few short months ago, Juan and Male Albuixech were working and living halfway around the world in their hometown of Buenos Aires, Argentina. For years, the couple had dreamed of owning a business of their own and moving their family to the United States.

“There were many reasons why we wanted to move to the U.S., but COVID definitely accelerated that desire. In January of 2021, we signed the paperwork to open a Bloomin’ Blinds franchise. In March, we were in Dallas for training, and this May, we opened our business. It was a huge life change for us – moving our entire lives to another country – but Bloomin’ Blinds made the workplace change smoother than expected,” explained Juan.

Finding the Right Franchise

The Albuixechs were able to make the life-changing move by following the E-2 Visa process, which is an agreement that exists between the United States and Argentina allowing individuals who make a U.S. business investment to move to the United States. So, Juan and Male packed up their belongings and their three children in pursuit of a new life – and a new business – in Miami, Florida.

“It’s been quite an adventure, but I’m happy we’re doing it as a family. Miami has been good to us so far. Business is growing steadily and we’re learning something new every day, but I think my favorite part of it all is knowing that we have the full support of the Bloomin’ Blinds team,” shared Male.

While they were both willing to put in the hard work required to launch their own business, Juan and Male mutually decided early on that they’d like to invest in a franchise with a proven business model and support at any turn. The husband-and-wife-team chose Bloomin’ Blinds out of dozens of choices presented to them.

“Opening a franchise was 100% the right choice for us. You’re given the training and tools you need, but you have to bring the hard work. However, not all franchises are the same and I know plenty of people that have chosen the wrong one. We worked closely with a broker that was very experienced with opportunities in the United States, and I’m glad we did,” added Male.

Life As Franchisees

Bloomin’ Blinds allowed Juan and Male to start up their own business in record time with a lower initial investment due to it being a flexible, home-based business where consultations are held in clients’ homes and inventory is shipped directly to them – no warehouse or storage facility required.

“We really made the most of our time training, and the Bloomin’ Blinds team covered everything we needed to know. Male and I brought back that information and laid out a two-year plan. We’ve only been open four months, and we’re already surpassing our goals with every new month,” shared Juan.

The two have enjoyed the ability to create their own work schedules while caring for their children and still acclimating to a new country and culture. They’re excited about what the future holds for their family and the new opportunities that will be available as first-time entrepreneurs.

“I’m impressed with what we’ve accomplished so far. You need to put in the time and work and risk, yes, but if you open yourself up to learn and follow this proven business model, you will succeed. I’m very happy we found Bloomin’ Blinds – this experience has changed our lives for the better, and we can’t wait to see what the future holds,” added Juan.

For more inspiring testimonials from our owners and information on the franchise opportunity, contact us today!

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February 28, 2022 7:58 am

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