Glass Doctor – Franchisee Success Stories | Laurel Miller


Glass Doctor Owner Since 2007

When Laurel Miller and her husband, Mark, realized they could work just as hard for themselves as they did for others, they explored franchise ownership. They ditched their jobs and long commutes to open Glass Doctor® in 2007. The Miller’s jumped in with both feet and self-funded their franchise investment. There would be no “Plan B.” Their agenda? To grow the franchise, sell it, and retire.

Over the years, they’ve enjoyed getting to know other local business owners and being involved in their California community. They also appreciated the perks of business ownership, including answering only to themselves, and they agree that being happy in your work is the best benefit of all.

“Life is a banquet. Don’t starve.”

Franchise Contact Form

I would like to learn more. Please contact me about this franchise business opportunity.


February 25, 2022 10:45 am

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