I could not be happier and look forward to being part of the Go Mini’s family for a long time to come.““Starting my Go Mini’s franchise has been nothing but a great experience! This opportunity affords me autonomy while also providing exceptional support from corporate and the other franchisees. I could not be happier and look forward to being part of the Go Mini’s family for a long time to come.” – Go Mini’s of SW Pittsburgh” - GO MINI’S OF OHIO, OH
“It’s been exciting to watch Go Mini’s evolve over the past 10 years as a franchisee in Central Ohio. Having over 20 years of franchise world experience – I am confident Go Minis is poised to capture annual double-digit growth for many years ahead with the foundation that has been built and the corporate support.“ - GO MINI’S OF ORANGE COUNTY WEST, CA
“Go Mini’s has been a great decision for us. As we looked for a business to start, our primary consideration was that we wanted to be in a growing industry. Running the business has been straight forward and without any surprises. Our efforts to build the Go Mini’s brand in our market has been fulfilling and financially rewarding for us.“ - GO MINI’S OF CHICAGOLAND, IL
“Go Minis of Chicagoland based in Carol Steam, Ill want to Thank the hard work of Alyson Lewis, Hannah Woeppel for guiding us thru the new updates. As a Go Mini’s Franchise, It is so very important for each of us to work together as One. Communication is key and with the assistance of these ladies and the vision of Mr. Chris Walls all things are possible. Looking forward to a wonderful 2023.“