Home Care for the 21st Century | Why Start a Home Health Franchise?

Why Start a Home Health Franchise?

The North American population now has the highest ratio of people over 55 in history, and as a result the home care industry is experiencing unprecedented growth. If you want to own a business that genuinely impacts your community, supports a growing need and has one of the highest returns on investment, you have found the right company to partner with.

The figures speak for themselves. In the US, the rapidly-growing home care industry is seeing yearly revenue that surpasses $84 billion. As Baby Boomers reach advanced ages, the home care industry is positioned to expand rapidly and exponentially.

A home care franchise, home health care franchise, and/or hospice franchise offers an excellent return on your investment – and not just financially. This business delivers care to seniors and their families when they need it most.

People want better healthcare options in their later years. They want choices that make sense. People are naturally happier and healthier when they are at home with their loved ones, and not in a healthcare facility being reminded of their own failing health. This has created a demand for home care companies who can provide affordable, quality services that will allow people to remain in their own residences and enjoy their lives.

We firmly believe in peaceful aging. We think seniors are best supported in their own homes by compassionate caregivers committed to changing lives for the better and we know you do as well.

Home Care: A Rapidly Growing Industry

In North America, the home care industry is growing fast. In 2018, nearly 13 percent of the population are between the ages of 55 and 64, and almost 16 percent are over 65 years old. This represents a HUGE segment of the population!

Nursing care facilities and assisted living spaces are very costly. In the US, the average cost of a nursing care facility are tens of thousands of dollars annually, and costs are only going up. Assisted living can be even more expensive and most private insurance (including Medicare) does not cover long-term care.

The Timing Is Perfect For A Home Care Industry Franchise

In the home care industry, operations are revving up to meet the demand. In 2018, elder care in America encompassed hundreds of thousand businesses representing a staggering annual revenue near a half a trillion dollars. Even with all of the services available, they still fall short in serving the ever increasing population.

The vacuum created in the industry is starting to be filled by home care franchises. Increasing numbers of seniors are choosing the “stay-at-home” option rather than moving into a care facility. Not only is it more cost-efficient, but elders and their families also report a better quality of life and are far more satisfied with the arrangement.

Meeting a Growing Demand In The US

Consider these interesting figures:

In America:

  • Estimates say that Americans spend close to $300 billion a year on long-term healthcare.
  • Approximately 15 million Americans utilized nursing or home care services in 2000. By the year 2050, this figure is expected to nearly double.
  • By the year 2050, almost 21% of people in the country will be 65, and the majority of this growth will happen from 2010 to 2030

Why We Are Growing

At Home Care For The 21st Century, our core values and principle beliefs towards caring set us apart from other home care companies in North America. We resonate with varying markets and have had excellent success in the US. People are taking notice! That’s why we at 21st Century helped establish nearly 3000 home care, home health care and hospice agencies in North America.

We are one of the fastest-growing home care companies in the world, and we continue increasing brand awareness all across the US. We find patients will happily forego an overpriced nursing facility where they may encounter substandard care, unfamiliar surroundings and the burden of knowing it is stressful on visiting family members in favor of attentive, and more personalized attention that is not only affordable but allows them to stay in their own homes.

Franchise Contact Form

I would like to learn more. Please contact me about this franchise business opportunity.


February 28, 2023 12:37 pm

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