Homewatch CareGivers Testimonials | Hear From Our Franchise Owners

Homewatch Caregivers Testimonials

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  • I get inspired everyday by seeing people whose quality of life improves because we’re there!- Kevin Whatcott
  • What inspires me at work is a combination of our clients and our caregivers, it’s really special to watch them inspire each other. Those stories are something we can pass on to future caregivers, so they know what they’re getting into and know that it’s a not only a valuable service we provide but an honorable one.- Tom Travaglio
  • I looked at about half a dozen home care companies when I was deciding to open this franchise and there are a few reasons I went with Homewatch Caregivers, the first is their high standard of training!- Matthew Peterson
  • When you join a franchise they give you the tools that are necessary for you to be successful. My favorite thing about owning a Homewatch CareGivers is the branding that comes with it, they have years of experience, and brand awareness.- Jody Namoca
  • Ultimately our whole office shares a culture in which we can come in and take care of other people, and really contribute to their well-being and that’s important to each and every one of us.- Reem and Jeff Hufnagel
  • I chose this in-home care company because of the support structure, they had me come out and meet them in person. They have a full year plan that is helping me be successful in my job, and they’ve helped me a lot.- Miles Hartley
  • We differentiated the business in our market by taking on more complicated cases. It has transformed his business to stand out among the rest!- Kirk Fisher
  • Both of my parents had varied needs of care in their older years so when an opportunity like this came along I jumped at the opportunity because I understood the needs of families like mine, and the unique care Homewatch CareGivers provides.- John Bonner
  • I own the Homewatch Caregivers office in Crystal Lake, Illinois. What I love about this business is being able to make a difference in people’s lives one person at a time.- Tamera Mongin
  • It can be very rewarding as we find solutions that help families, and clients particularly, to maintain their dignity, respect and independence.- Nate Benjamin
  • I go home every night feeling so gratified about the ability to help families and how we’ve been able to positively impact their lives.- Wendy Raney
  • Homewatch CareGivers enabled me to realize a lifelong dream of being a business owner.- Eric Malkin
  • I can’t begin to tell you just how much more comfortable I feel with respect to the business after going through franchise owner training. It really connected a lot of dots for me. You have some really special people in Colorado on the HWCG team.- Jeff Hufnagel
  • I am doing what I envisioned from the beginning which is caring for people: caring for my clients and supporting my caregivers.- Breanne Stuart
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April 28, 2022 11:03 am

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