LIME Painting Showcases the Completion of Two Major Commercial Projects

February 23, 2023 // // DENVER, CO – LIME Painting is proud to announce the completion of two major commercial projects. LIME completed throughout the previous year, the brand is proud to have restored the interior, exterior, and wall coverings of the Maggiano’s Italian restaurant in Denver.

“The entire LIME team is incredibly honored to have taken on and completed such intense commercial restoration projects that require a sharp attention to detail,” said Nick Lopez, Founder and CEO of LIME Painting.

The Maggiano’s project demanded a sanding of the clear coat that was originally on the interior wood, prepping it for a coating of Stix primer and then Epoxy coating. LIME then covered the restaurant’s walls with wallpaper and painted the leftover wall space a white color. Following the owner’s instructions, the team applied a metal coating to the gypsum in the restaurant, which is unique for this material, and finished the project by freshening up the stained surfaces with a gel stain.

The apartment complex the LIME team recently painted in Oklahoma City had not been touched since 1972. Within three weeks, LIME painted the entire exterior, providing snacks to all the building’s residents throughout the duration of the project. The project consisted of painting the brick façade two colors: a white and then a blue for the trim detailing. The vents that scattered the building were coated with Sher-Cryl – a top coat designed to eliminate rust and aide preservation. Underneath it all, the LIME team applied Pro-Cryl – a glossy rust inhibiting primer.


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February 23, 2023 10:32 am

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