Senior Helpers Franchisee Interview | Jim DiGiorgio

Jim, along with his wife and partner Elizabeth, took a leap of faith together after Jim’s 30+ years of working in the high-tech space. After working as a Director of Sales for firms as diverse as Emerson Electric, Tyco Electronics and others, Jim and Elizabeth made the leap to open a Senior Helpers franchise, and they have never looked back. Read below and get familiar with what Jim and Elizabeth like and what has worked for them.

Why did you decide to leave the comfort of your previous job and start a Senior Helpers

Jim worked the corporate life for many years, and finally hit a point where it wasn’t palatable anymore. He had a wonderful opportunity to leave with benefits so he took it. After 30+ years in high tech, multiple management and corporate changes, and years of international travel he decided he wanted to do something local and feel good giving back. After deciding he was too young to retire and wanted to support his local community, Jim found Senior Helpers.

How have you felt part of the broader ‘Senior Helpers’ team, such as Senior Helpers Executive Management, Marketing, Training, and so forth?

One of the things that impressed Elizabeth and I was when we went down and spent a day with Senior Helpers Executives and had a chance to connect on personal level. We liked their approach and values. Out of the home care companies we looked at (over a dozen) and tons of due-diligence we realized we connected with Senior Helpers the most. I can always contact staff to help and work with us on any issues. Sometimes I feel like I’m their customer, if I call they answer.

How has being part of this team helped you plan and execute on your own strategy for success?

I think the main thing is that we have a business consultant we work with every few weeks and we talk about our goals. If we run into issues or questions we can use the team to help get an answer. A big tool is the existing owners in the system that we can talk to as well. We always reach out to corporate or other operators because chances are that someone has run into the problem before and has a solution. The background of all the different owners is so diverse, and there is a wealth of information to tap into, and people are willing to help.

What aspects of the Senior Helpers ‘system’ did you find most valuable during your pre-launch phase up until you had your grand opening?

Certainly the week of training in Baltimore was a huge help. We had no background in medical or the home care industry. Naturally, you get excited when you buy a franchise but really don’t know what you’re getting into. The training helped us with basic things we would need to get set up and run the business.

How about during your first year after launch and/or thereafter?

It is a lot of individual hard work. It’s nice to know you have people you can fall on for questions about anything at any given time.

What is the number one ‘secret of success’ that you would recommend to anyone considering a Senior Helpers franchise?

Simplistically you are buying a recipe, follow the recipe, don’t try and overthink this. There is a recipe to follow in how you run the operation, market, and build relationships. If you aren’t sincere about the work you’re doing you shouldn’t be doing it, especially in this business.

How has being a Senior Helpers franchisee changed your life?

Playing a lot less tennis!! But really, we are working harder then we have ever worked. There is a certain satisfaction at the end of the day knowing you helped people and their families. If you do it right, it is a feel-good business. When you are in corporate life you aren’t helping improve quality of life for anyone, and with this you are helping families.

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March 5, 2022 9:10 am

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