Senior Helpers Franchisee Interview | Pete Jelenik

Pete was no stranger to running small businesses. After a career in running the operations for several franchisors who worked directly with independent franchise owners to ensure they were successful, Pete knew that he could enjoy the same success if he found a proven system that could help him capitalize on a growing market opportunity. He saw that opportunity in senior care and Senior Helpers.

While in-home senior care was very different from his experience working with Arby’s and Taco Bell franchisees, he knew that steady adherence to a proven system combined with his drive and business know-how would help improve his chances for success. And it turns out that his chances were great, due to his drive, business knowledge and a system that works. Read on to learn to what makes him tick and how he has achieved success.

Why did you decide to leave the comfort of your previous job and start a Senior Helpers franchise?

Obviously for a long-term growth opportunity, and I felt this was a niche that needed to be filled. I wanted to make a difference in peoples’ lives. The most vulnerable people are the elderly and that’s why you want to become a franchisee. They just a need someone who is trustworthy and honest. I personally had heard a lot of horror stories and I knew something needed to be done. I knew if we could get the right people involved and the best caregivers we could really help people.

How have you felt part of the broader ‘Senior Helpers’ team, such as Senior Helpers Executive Management, Marketing, Training, and so forth?

I do feel like I’m part of the team, for sure. They are always accessible. The tools they provide from training, to how to market the business, and everything in between is always at your fingertips.

How has being part of this team helped you plan and execute on your own strategy for success?

Honestly I just took their strategy and used it to focus on the hospitals and the rehab centers, on anything that has a point of interest for the elderly. I followed the company and what they’ve provided us and that’s helped me be very successful.

What aspects of the Senior Helpers ‘system’ did you find most valuable during your pre-launch phase up until you had your grand opening?

There wasn’t a pre-launch in my situation so I didn’t have a count down. We had 20 clients when I first started, but after I started I just strictly followed the strategy that was given, plugged into the system, and that was extremely valuable.

What is the number one ‘secret of success’ that you would recommend to anyone considering a Senior Helpers franchise?

You really have to be patient and you have to be loving and caring. This is about making a difference in the lives of the elderly. Surround yourself with great people, and as the owner make sure you are a big part of the hiring process.

How has being a Senior Helpers franchisee changed your life?

I think that I wasn’t always as patient as I am now, its trickled on over to my family, children, and wife. If I can be that patient with elderly I can be that way with my own family. It has certainly had a personal impact in my life. I now call and visit my own parents much more as well as send more care packages now. You really don’t realize how fragile people are until you are in this business. It truly makes you want to treat people better.

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March 5, 2022 9:03 am

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