Sturdy Stability on the Horizon for The Garage Floor Company™ Franchise Owners

Thanks to high consumer demand and an uptick in residential construction, the flooring industry is primed for growth through 2027, according to industry experts. The Garage Floor Company™ has leveraged the industry’s steady rise and looks to expand their brand through franchising.

The Garage Floor Company™ resurfaces concrete floors in garages, basements, laundry rooms and other residential and light commercial spaces, transforming them into a durable, low-maintenance and beautiful areas that function the way customers want.

The Garage Floor Company Franchise

For franchise owners, it’s a simple business model that comes with multiple revenue streams and unwavering support from The Garage Floor Company™ management team. “We back our guys, one hundred percent,” says co-founder Jeff Gannon. The brand is looking to expand regionally and looks forward to meeting new candidates interested in being awarded a franchise opportunity.

For more information about this unique concrete flooring franchise opportunity offered by The Garage Floor Company™, please visit our franchise showcase or use the form below.

Franchise Contact Form

I would like to learn more. Please contact me about this franchise business opportunity.


August 3, 2023 10:15 pm

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