The Great Franchisee: Tony Peterson, Footprints Floors, Portland

Last year, after more than 30 years in the construction industry as a development and project manager, Tony Peterson decided it was time for a change.

Peterson, whose job required frequent travel, wanted to spend more time with his family, and he decided to finally pursue a lifelong interest in business ownership.

So, how did Peterson leverage his impressive construction resume into a new career as a business owner?

By becoming a franchisee with Footprints Floors*, the 50-plus-unit residential and commercial flooring and tile installation franchise.

Peterson says Footprints Floors offered the perfect opportunity for him to continue working in an industry he knows and loves while taking back control of his time and lifestyle. We talked to Peterson to learn more about his journey to franchise ownership.

Tell us your story—what did you do before franchising?

Tony Peterson: I’ve been delivering technical construction solutions and managing commercial projects for 30 years serving primarily the industrial concrete market.

How did you initially find out about franchising and what was your perception of franchising before becoming a franchise owner?

Peterson: Business ownership has always been intriguing to me and my wife Krista but seemed out of the realm of possibility primarily due to time constraints and current demands. When I finally decided to make a career change it was unknowingly right before Covid.

I began to look at a variety of opportunities, including employment with new organizations, but business ownership quickly piqued my interest. We were finally at a time in life to consider a radical change.

How did you decide you wanted to be a franchisee?

Peterson: I wanted the freedom and flexibility to work more independently as an owner. I was looking at what can be achieved by starting my own business. I began by examining the market, brands and initial startup costs. Immediately, Footprints Floors was checking off the boxes of what was most important to me; limiting travel and returning to my roots in residential construction.

How did you perform your research?

Peterson: I was directed to Footprints Floors by people within my circle. Many of them, including business and franchise owners, encouraged me to take a look at a variety of franchises, including Footprints Floors. I started by researching via the internet, reading customer reviews in different markets and attending weekly owner calls.

And because the research was so positive we traveled to visit the corporate team and Footprints’ Discovery Day.

Why did you pick Footprints Floors? What excited you most about the potential?

Peterson: I chose Footprints Floors because of the quality of the organization, markets served and brand strength. Also, we had an opportunity to be part of their early growth and success. Finally, as lifelong residents of Portland, being the first Footprints Floors franchise in the area sealed the deal.

Residential construction is economically resistant, and there is room in the market for additional services. It’s exciting to continue working in the industry that I’ve always been a part of, where I can leverage my relationships and construction background.

What are your dreams with the business? What does the future look like?

Peterson: We’d like to make Footprints Floors the go-to for flooring installations in the Portland area. We want to grow revenue, reach and referral business. I look forward to adding new services and employees, and building a sustainable business.

What advice would you have for others looking at buying a franchise?

Peterson: Be very thorough in your investigation. When working with a broker, don’t let them set the terms, timing and speed of your research. Seek out the help of other trusted professionals (legal, financial, insurance, potential partners) and franchisees for guidance.

What do you do in your personal time?

Peterson: I am very family-oriented. My wife Krista is a marketing professional, and we have two kids going to college. We spend a lot of time outdoors. I enjoy chasing a golf ball, am a big soccer fan and can deliver a decent brisket.

Franchise Contact Form

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February 9, 2022 9:02 am

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