DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen Places 45th in Qualified Remodeler’s Top 500

August 25, 2022 // FranchiseMarketingSolutions.com // Qualified Remodeler, a publication serving remodelers and home improvement companies in the U.S., has ranked DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen as the 45th best remodeler in its 44th annual TOP 500 of 2022.

Since 1978, the QR TOP 500 has tracked the industry’s largest and fastest growing companies. In 2022, the TOP 500 represented over $16 billion in remodeling sales volume, and nearly two million jobs.

DreamMaker was chosen by the Qualified Remodeler editorial staff for meeting a set of criteria including installed remodeling dollar volume, total years in business, industry association membership, industry certification, industry awards and community service.

“This is a tremendous honor for our hardworking, talented franchisees,” says President and Chief Stewarding Officer, Doug Dwyer. “It shows how the systems and support of DreamMaker combine with their own abilities to provide superior remodels and service for clients.”

DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen is a successful home remodeling franchise, with customer satisfaction consistently outpacing national averages. All company owners and their employees adhere to the company’s “Code of Values,” which emphasizes honesty and “customer-first” designs. This means that we strive to conduct our business above-board with all our business practices and communications. “Based on Qualified Remodeler’s analysis, the Top 500 firms tend to share several common attributes, including strong revenues, a commitment to customer service, insightful sales techniques and strong customer loyalty,” says Qualified Remodeler owner and editorial director Patrick O’Toole. “These attributes helped put the firms on this list and contribute to their success.”

SOURCE DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen

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August 25, 2022 11:54 am

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