Handyman Connection Testimonials

  • At the end of the day, hands down, Handyman Connection has fostered, built, and introduced new relationships that I otherwise would not have experienced or been a part of. Nate Bruen (Bloomington, MN)
  •  Our software really enables us to have 10 different craftsmen in the field there for their 9:00 a.m. appointment. We’re able to deliver the service to the customer on time and meet their expectations. Mike Savegnago (Wheaton, IL)
  •  There’s multiple reasons I chose Handyman Connection. I wanted to have a business that provided me a lifestyle, not a job, a business that provided me time with my family. Chris Nielsen (Spokane, WA)
  •  We really believe in sustaining our customer base and treating them well. For instance, we have one customer this year that’s used us seven times—she completely trusts us and our craftsmen. Dustin Kreiger (Blue Ash, OH)
  •  Having a family or group of people stand behind the brand is very helpful rather than going out on your own. Being involved for the last 17 years, I don’t know if I’d do anything else. I really enjoy coming to work every day. I plan to be at this for the next 10 years. Carol Morhart (Edmonton, AB)
  •  Our goal is to recruit the very best, the cream of the crop, because those are the guys who get repeat customers that come back over and over again. Steve McCoy (Colorado Springs, CO)
  •  I’m taking over starting next Monday and I don’t know how I’m going to do it. And two days later, on Wednesday, I was fine. Tom Riley (Chattanooga, TN)
  •  One of the things that attracted me to Handyman Connection was the fact that they used data to make decisions and they’re on the cutting edge of how to market to customers and how to use technology. Mike Andra (Mansfield, TX)
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February 9, 2022 12:51 pm

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