Honest Abe Roofing | Our Comprehensive Training Helps Our Franchisees Dominate Their Markets

Our corporate philosophy was inspired by Abraham Lincoln and his enduring commitment to hard work, a job well done and his unwavering dedication to excellence. We take the same approach with the training and support we offer our franchisees.

At Honest Abe Roofing, we understand the only way we can be successful is if our franchisees are successful. So, we have created a training program that is a comprehensive approach to teaching our franchisees everything necessary to become a roofing expert and a successful business owner.

Our industry-leading training program covers everything from sales to invoicing and everything in between:

  • Business Management
  • Bookkeeping
  • Operations
  • Marketing
  • Roofing Systems
  • Customer Service
  • Sales Training
  • Installation Instructions

All Honest Abe Roofing franchisees complete our world-class training program. They also gain access to our years of industry experience. Our franchisees have peace of mind, knowing that if they ever encounter an issue for which they feel unprepared, all they need to do is call one of our support team members for assistance. This service is available to our franchise owners any time – day or night.

We provide all of the training and support to ensure that our franchisees are given every opportunity to dominate in their market! No other home improvement franchise—or franchise in any industry—provides the same level of support that we provide to our franchisees!

  • Weekly Training Webinars
  • Dedicated Franchise Liaison
  • Weekly Key Performance Indicator Check-Up Calls

We teach our franchisees how to begin each workday primed to succeed by conducting a training meeting with their roofing advisors. This is an important step in getting everyone organized and motivated and working together to achieve success. In addition to helping our franchisees build the business skills and practices necessary for success, we also provide them with proprietary operations and logistics software that complement the training franchise owners receive. For example, AbeConnect Software was made exclusively for Honest Abe Roofing and makes scheduling jobs and organizing sales easy along with:

  • Lead Generation and Incoming Lead Tracking
  • Automated Marketing via SMS, E-Mail, and Outbound Phone
  • Sales and Support Scripting Built In
  • Seamless Transfer of Customer From Lead to Installation Teams
  • In-house sales presentation with video support
  • Pricing System Built In
  • Construction Management Tracking, Including Job P&L
  • Automated Review and Referral System

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August 17, 2022 3:36 pm

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