The Cleaning Authority Testimonials

  • The cleaning industry I feel like is kind of a bulletproof industry as far as it’s ability to be a long-term investment. It seems to be recession proof: We purchased our business in 2008, which was the beginning of a recession, and we grew throughout the entire recession. Tina Timmons (Dayton, OH)
  •  The call center is very helpful. I use the call center a lot. I leave a phone line that transfers to the call center all the time. They can take care of easy questions, if customers think of something at 7 o’clock at night, they can call the call center… Very beneficial and at a low cost. Randy Thomas (Indianapolis, IN)
  •  We’ve been able to have a lot of financial freedom that would’ve taken a lot more years in the corporate world to get to… We couldn’t be more thrilled with the opportunities [franchising] has provided to us. Peter DeLorme (Knoxville, TN)
  •  We were looking for a change in lifestyle, getting out of the corporate world. We wanted a chance to stay at home, raise the kids…the last 10 years have been wonderful. David Robak (Cary, IL)
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February 16, 2022 8:57 am

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