Top Rail Fence Moves Into Florida With a New Tampa Location

Nov. 30, 2023 // // Tampa, Florida – Top Rail Fence will host the grand opening of its Tampa location with a celebration at the Tampa Bay Humane Society at 9 a.m. on Friday, Dec. 8. Location owners Matthew and Alicia Heck will present the animal welfare group with a donation.

“We decided to partner with the Tampa Bay Humane Society because of the obvious connection between pets and fences,” Matthew Heck said. “We’re proud to build a business in our local community and want to be known for our exceptional customer service and reliability. We want to make our community better by building strong, durable, and aesthetically pleasing fences and by partnering with valuable non-profits like the local humane society.”

Top Rail Fence Tampa has also joined the Tampa Bay Business Chamber, and many of that group’s members will be on hand at the event to help the Hecks celebrate their grand opening, complete with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

The Hecks were both born and raised in Indiana but moved to the Tampa area more than 10 years ago. Matthew Heck worked as a sales and marketing executive for a local television station and an advertising agency before moving into business ownership. Alicia Heck is an interior designer specializing in custom closets and accent walls.

The couple met at Ball State University in Indiana. Matthew Heck has a bachelor’s degree in telecommunications with a minor in marketing, while Alicia Heck has a bachelor’s degree in interior design with a minor in residential property management. The couple has three children.

Alicia Heck said she believes her background in design and property management will help the couple build their business.

“My ability to take inspiration and turn it into a working design will help homeowners find the fencing of their dreams,” she said. “But we also want to offer customers these fences at a fair and reasonable price. We want to be known as a fencing company that cares about our clients by being innovative and dependable.”

HomeFront Brands Franchises

Top Rail Fence is a part of HomeFront Brands. Top Rail Fence provides residential, commercial and agricultural fencing in a variety of styles and materials.

SOURCE Top Rail Fence

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November 30, 2023 9:27 am

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